Saturday, July 31st
On Saturday we went to Mike’s work place in downtown Nairobi called World Ministries International. Driving through downtown Nairobi was very similar to any other big city, though they don’t pay much attention to light signals and are often running red lights. We made it to Mike’s building and went to see the World Ministries International office he works at. Inside we found many offices and meeting rooms. One of Mike’s dental clinics was also there and consisted of two dental chairs. Once we were situated in one of the meeting rooms, we heard of testimony of one beautiful woman. To see and hear how she lives her live day to day was amazing and truly showed me the heart she has for the Lord and the teaching of His kingdom. She literally risks her life for Jesus every day.
After leaving Mike’s office we made our way and visited Kayaba Free Baptist Church in the South B slum. When we arrived at the entrance to the slum, Pastor Paul Sitati and other church staff members came to greet us and escort us to the church. As we made our way through the slums I was expecting us to find a church sitting in a building off by itself, much like Comido School. However, we were in the middle of the slum walking down a small alley way when I saw the group turning into a building. The church wasn’t large but I could feel the love and passion of Christ there. The church choir was up singing and praises from the church arose… I loved it when I walked into the house of the Lord.
Once we were in the church, Pastor Paul had the whole team introduce themselves individually sharing difference reasons for coming to Kenya and knowing God’s love in our lives. It was great hearing what all the members of our team had to say and their sharing was definitely an encouragement to me. Worship was the next thing on our agenda and the church got into singing the songs with us. I was playing the tambourine for the first time, which isn’t quite the bass guitar but it worked. After worship we got to feed the community beans and rice. It was really amazing to see a church with so little resources still pouring out God’s blessing to the surrounding community. As meal time started coming to an end… the beans and rice was super good btw :)…. We got up and performed the skit of God freeing His people from the control of Satan. The skit led in perfectly to Trenton and his sharing which I felt really touched the people.
Trenton did an alter call as the church went into full praise and singing to God. Around ten people came to the alter and gave their lives to Jesus Christ and professing Him as their Lord and Savior. It was beautiful to watch the kingdom of God grow and as I prayed for these new believers I couldn’t do anything but cry as I was filled with joy knowing they would feel the love of Christ in their lives. There is just something amazing when people accept Christ.
Lord God, I pray that you work wonders through these people. I ask Lord, that You rain down your grace and mercy upon them allowing them to know You and Your love. Not only will they influence the lives of those that are at the church, but make them infectious with the love of Jesus that may overflow into the South B slums. Us them to bring disciples to all nations! In Jesus’ name amen.
Leaving the Kayaba Free Baptist Church was hard and I gave Pastor Paul a long hug. Pastor Paul is such an amazing man and he will continually be in my prayers. I could see the love he had for his people and for God. I wish him the best as he continues to bring more believers to Christ.
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