Ok it should be macho not mocho. In the middle of worship yesterday it came to me that I might have misspelled it. Then a second thought came to me, "where in the world did that first thought come from?"
South B is certainly a step up from the slums we have visited and their church has a some more modern equipment, but I wonder if some of the youth have ever seen an overhead projector before. Their worship is lively, free and expressive and they could probably teach us a few things about worshiping God. A slight drizzle, not even worth putting a rain coat on by Seattle standards, sent everyone home early. Things can get very muddy and slick here in a hurry, so we did not do our neighborhood outreach. We left early also as a result. Ended up at the Nairobi Java House and realized that LCC's first service was just about to start. We thought how cool it would be if we could set up a video conference call with Lighthouse and talk to you all live on your big screen. You could see us all suffering for Jesus at the coffee house. :)
Speaking of suffering for Jesus I see many of the other blogs mentioned the Somali women who's testimony we heard at Mike's office. Amazing! Other Amazing things we have seen and heard. The hospitality of the people here who have so little. The passion of the pastors to reach out to their communities. The appreciation the Christians here have for us just coming over to see them. We did not have to bring anything or do anything, just the fact that were willing to come is a huge encouragement for them. Being part of a small church in the middle of a slum it can be easy to believe that you are in the battle all alone. They are greatly encouraged to find out that they are not alone.
Trenton has been doing a great job preaching and giving a message of hope. Many times that is all they need.
Today is an off day and many are sleeping in. Everyone is tired, no one is complaining. How can we when the people we are serving don't complain. We'll do something on the fun and relaxing side today.
The youth, and everyone really have been incredible. Yesterday for example as we pulled up to the International Pentecostal Holiness Church most of our well laid plans went out the window. They wanted someone from our group to lead the youth Sunday School and for Trenton to teach the adult Sunday School and Erica to do her VBS program for the children's Sunday School right away instead of later. No one complained we just shifted gears, rearranged our thinking and people stepped up. John and Heather led the youth Sunday School with the support of several of our youth while Blake filled in as a lion, Jesse as Daniel and I played King Darius, a part that comes natural for me :)
All for now, one week down another exciting week ahead. Can't wait to see what God has in store.
1 Thess 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. Love you and praying for you, mucho macho man.