(Front row) Erika Yenokida, Garrett Lee, Cindy Ko, Rebekah Ogimachi, Brenden Fong, Josh Chinn, (Second row) Kristine Fu, Dakota Chenoweth, Matt Sekijima, Heather Nakamura, Renee Wong, Nicole Okada, (Back row) Trenton Yenokida, Steve Lee, Dan Ko, Bob Sandefur, John Herburger, Jesse Sandefur, Shawn Terasaki

Thursday, July 29, 2010

"My Power Is Made Perfect In Weakness"

First let me just say, I am pretty tired, I stepped into a river of sewage, and I want a hug from my mom...so sorry for anything in this blog that doesn't make much sense...it's late...

I'm pretty speechless right now. A lot of things happened today and my mind is racing. Let's start with this morning when we entered today's slum.

Mathari was described to us as one of the more poverty-stricken slums; it is the second largest in Kenya. Known for its illegal brewery and other dark aspects, we approached today's ministry with a bit more caution. (I literally just stared at the screen for a minute...I'm really tired.) We took a tour of the slum. I noticed right away that it was indeed worse than the slum we visited yesterday. The sewage river ran through all of the walkways. At one unfortunate point, my foot slipped into the grayish river and a native responded with a simple, "ooo...good." I was not exactly the happiest person at that time. Oh how the Lord humbles...

The task of the day was to clean and paint a room and give a presentation of sharing, message, and worship. I successfully painted without getting paint on my non-painting clothes. Oh how the Lord shows mercy. After, I went into a classroom filled with 80 kids. They began to clap for me, which, I have to admit, was pretty awesome--especially since most people don't clap for me when I enter a room. (Weird, right? just kidding...okay, not funny...let's move on.) Trish Hyodo had me yell, "God is good!" (I had no idea of what I was doing.) They responded with an, "all the time!" That was quite possibly one of the coolest things I've ever experienced! These children were shouting the praise of God.

The worship time consisted of about 200 kids packed into a small room with like 2 small windows. It was hot. By the end of the first song, I was sweating like...a lot. My guitar was going out of tune in seconds and we had no electricity and therefore no sound equipment to amplify. We went totally acoustic with two guitars and two djembes. I was definitely nervous; it was my first time leading a worship set in Kenya and I wasn't in the comfortable setting of nice sound equipment and coffee waiting for me when we were done. But in my weakness, God's power was made perfect. He revealed himself to me in ways I couldn't possibly imagine. The kids were singing the songs and dancing with passion. I could feel the Spirit of the Lord present. I praise God for how he delivered me today.

After we returned from the slum, we washed up, went to dinner, and returned to have a debriefing meeting. It lasted a while, but it was fantastic. We all got to share our feelings while knowing that we were in a safe and non-threatening enviornment. I remember thinking while I was in one of the houses in the slum today, "what would it be like to wake up every morning to this same place filled with garbage, sewage, filth, and fowl smell? And these same people, how is it possible for these people to hear the message of Jesus? Who will bring this Gospel to them? Who will love them?"

I went back to my room, grabbed by notebook, and sat outside. I began to write, and then I started to sob. Today was a very emotional day for me. I have so many different mixed feelings fighting for attention in my heart. Really, the only thing I have to lean on is my precious Jesus.

"Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."


  1. praying for you, matt, and sending hugs!
    thanks for sharing how God is working in your heart.

  2. Hi son. Your post brought tears to my eyes. I have been praying for you and love you lots.


  3. hi m,
    i am so encouraged by your words. i know it feels like there are a million things flying through your head as you look at your life and try to compare to it the lives of the people you're encountering, but rest in knowing that God sees you and your heart and will continue to fill you, be your source, and use you. i love you. hugs to you and your team. i am praying for you all :)

    love, lori

  4. Thanks for posting Matt, praying for you all as you serve out there. I am truly blessed by what you're writing and sharing, and challenged by it. Let God break your heart... with the things that break His. =]

    "Heal my heart and make it clean
    Open up my eyes to things unseen
    Break my heart for what breaks yours
    Everything I am for your kingdom's cause."

    We miss you in Japan brother, and everyone here misses you, especially the missionary kids. Brandon, when I first met him, thought you were more dangerous than me. I quickly corrected this thought. =) Tim has been wrestling with Brandon the most, he says it's to make up for you not being here =). While we all miss you, God certainly had a divine purpose in you going to Kenya. May He continue to speak and move in you.

  5. hang in there, matt. glad you're representing Jesus - and meeting him there -


  6. Hey Matt. Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan. We miss you, but are so glad you are in Kenya with the team this year. Know God has lots he wants you to see there, thereby empowering you to do His good and perfect will. I am praying for your parents, too...know they would have wanted to be with you. Go get 'em tiger! -Shirley

  7. Hi Matt,
    You're in my thoughts & prayers. Thanks for letting God use you & reveal himself to you in new ways. Keep your heart open, and He will show you wondrous things.

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  11. Hi matt... i know seeing my name probably didn't cheer you up much so sorry bout that. :( and sorry for so many reposts, kept messing up and misspelling words. you sounded beat! i am praying for you and the team!!! and its good that your shared your innermost thoughts bcause it shows that this experience will change u (for the..better) and that Gods truly working through you. we all miss you sooo much!!! and if it makes you feel better, if i had stepped in the river of sewage, i would've slipped and fallen into it cause i am clutzy and short...so thank God you're taller??? :)AND TELL NICOLE TO POST LIKE RIGHT NOWW GEEzZ hahaha....all the comments before me were so formal and then mine....sucks....hahhahah....we miss you??? i'll be sure to clap the next time u enter a room i'm in hahaha :D
