(Front row) Erika Yenokida, Garrett Lee, Cindy Ko, Rebekah Ogimachi, Brenden Fong, Josh Chinn, (Second row) Kristine Fu, Dakota Chenoweth, Matt Sekijima, Heather Nakamura, Renee Wong, Nicole Okada, (Back row) Trenton Yenokida, Steve Lee, Dan Ko, Bob Sandefur, John Herburger, Jesse Sandefur, Shawn Terasaki

Monday, July 26, 2010

Matt Sekijima: I'm Impersonating Shawn Terasaki

Hello, all! Let me introduce myself. My name is Matt Sekijima and I'm one of the 19 blessed people to serve on LCC's 2010 Kenya Mission Team! (I'm using Shawn's profile because I'm not an author on the blog yet. I wonder if that was on purpose...jk.) Let me say in advance, I say/type weird things, talk about food, and post interesting pictures; however, I'm hoping that I can utilize this blog as a tool to share about God's amazing work here in Africa.

...here we go...are you ready?
Okay, sorry; here I go.

Alright, we took off from beautiful Seattle on Saturday...(Seattle's Saturday) and we took a flight to Denver after enduring a delay. From Denver, we flew to London and I sat next to a really smart English man from Cambridge and shared with him about why I was traveling to London, and then to Nairobi. As I was talking with him, I began to pick up his accent and started to talk like him...sorry, that was irrelevant...I'm tired.

We landed in England and we got to see Europe for the first time in my entire life. We saw Big Ben (which Brendon thought was a whale...?...yeah...), Westminster Abby, and Buckingham Palace. The only sad part about the visit to London was that I didn't get to try the amazing fish and chips that the Box Car Children told me so much about... Maybe next time!

After another delay for our flight to Africa, we finally boarded and waited on the runway for about an hour. Patience and perseverance, friends!

Unfortunately, the entertainment system was not working so I didn't get to watch my back to back movies: "The Notebook" and "Dear John." Sad face. Just kidding!

Okay, sorry, I should probably talk about...the mission!

Today we arrived at our housing place, which is incredibly nice! Like, seriously, the my bed is amazing and I have my own bar of soap. Sweetness. We ate breakfast and went to the Halfway House to hold babies! I held...maybe three babies and they were extremely cute. Shawn and I tag-teamed feeding a baby milk and we got her to drink about 3/4 of the milk! Then Erika made us give the baby to Bekah...(Shawn and I will make excellent parents.) As I was holding the babies, I kept feeling a sense of joy and peace--a joy that I knew came from the Lord. He had a plan for us to come to Kenya; he has a plan for us to bless and to be blessed.

We returned to our housing and had an incredible dinner. Okay, so it was this really tasty fish, lamb, potatoes, spaghetti, and this amazing chocolate cake...well, I didn't taste the cake but I know it was amazing cuz John said it was amazing...

Following our feast, we had our team devotional, discussing Isaiah 58:6-7, regarding fasting. There's really something special about studying the word of God with fellow brothers and sisters that love Jesus. The Lord is unifying this team in every moment.

Well, there are like 23534 (actually, 3) people waiting to blog now, so I believe I'll stop rambling and allow them to blog. haha. =) Yay...Josh is mocking my blog right now...oh well, I hope God likes it.

Tomorrow we will do a VBS for kids at the Nest orphanage. I'm praying that I can sleep like a rock and not get up in the middle of the night. Otherwise I may just prank Josh and Shawn. Sorry, I'm extremely tired and say unnecessary things like that. Time for bed. Thank you all for your prayers and support! We couldn't do it without you!

Blessings to all of you! Praise God,


  1. glad to hear that you guys made it safely! sekijima, i hope you get your own blog account, and that josh & shawn didn't actually prank you. well...at least put deodorant all over your pillow [that's nasty] (read josh chinn's blog post if you don't understand the reference).

    but seriously, keeping you guys in prayer. glad you enjoyed london and that you had such an awesome experience holding & feeding babies. i'm sure you and shawn will make great parents one day :P. hope you got to "sleep like a rock"!

  2. Glad you guys made it safely! Posting your plans to prank Josh and Shawn will likely get you pranked premptively in return you know... =P. And speaking of food... My trip started with a Zaru Soba dinner with a infamous Matt Sekijima CC Lemon, that was followed up by Inari zushi @ the house made by Chieko-san!

    Praying for your trip man, hope everything goes well!

  3. hi matt,
    sounds like you are having a great trip so far! looking forward to hearing how God reveals Himself to you through all you will experience over the next two weeks. :) We are praying for you!
    love, tina (ps tell the girls to blog!) :)

  4. hi matt this is vincy from china!!! how are you???? I MISSS YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCCHOOOO and I just wanted to let you know that a HUGE chunk of my life is missing now that your're gone!!!! be sure to give me the talk exactly when you get home, cuz you KNOW i want it sooo badly cuz i need self control!!!! welllllll see ya in a couple weeks!! THINKING OF YOU IN CHINA!!! BYE

    that was frances. hahaha.

  5. hi matt!!!
    this is brennan. sydney, gabe, and i miss u lots!!! heating up a very CHEESY hotpocket in the microwave right now- sooo much FUN!!! bye!

    that was kimmy. hehehe.

  6. Hi matt this is frances!!! we all miss you a lot!!!! sooo i'm sposed to be nice for the rest of the summer to everyone, everyone including you. so yeah. yeah if you hadn't realized or read the bottom of "vincy"s comment, that was me and kimmy was "brennan". haha, it kinda says kimmy at the top which is pretty funny. so unfair (that was kimmy) yeah mine was kinda easy to tell too, bcause yu probably cyberstalk vincy all the time an know her email and stuff so you knew that odysseystrings was not vincy cuz yu are a stalker. so much for being nice. sorry. :D hope your having an amazing time in kenya!! it's not sunnny here!!! :(
