(Front row) Erika Yenokida, Garrett Lee, Cindy Ko, Rebekah Ogimachi, Brenden Fong, Josh Chinn, (Second row) Kristine Fu, Dakota Chenoweth, Matt Sekijima, Heather Nakamura, Renee Wong, Nicole Okada, (Back row) Trenton Yenokida, Steve Lee, Dan Ko, Bob Sandefur, John Herburger, Jesse Sandefur, Shawn Terasaki

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Going to the slums and visiting both Comido and Mcedo schools was truely heart wrenching and amazing. I saw so much love in the kids even though they had little to nothing. They would get so excited and happy from saying "How are you?" and they would run around giggling to their friends. To think they would recieve so much happiness from that is amazing. I don't think I have ever seen so much love while i was in America from little kids. Walking through the slums was a whole other experience. It is so hard to describe in words (probably because I have a bad vocabulary and can't write goodly) but it is an experience that one would have to go through in order to understand. The slums were full of garbage and the air smelled like sewege everywhere we went. Rivers of pee and sewege flowed next to every house and everywhere you waked the river was next to you. I visited one of the houses of a mom who's children went to Mcedo school. Her home was the size of a bed and she housed both herself and her children. To think that they sleep there while rain pours onto their heads and their floor fills with mud breaks my heart. Yet, the kids remain joyful and the only explanation I can think of is the love of Jesus Christ. God is so present within the children and I feel so happy for their joy yet so heart broken for their circumstance. I hate to think of my life at home and I just wish that the things I have seen never existed. Sin is at fault and has ruined this world. I truely hate sin and hate that I continue to sin. Thank you for your prayers and please continue! Ill try to post more often love, Brendon


  1. Prayin' for you Brendon! God is an awesome God... and He's pouring out His heart to you on this trip. Listen... Hear His heartbreak... and let it change you brother =).

  2. Thanks for sharing, Brendon. Perhaps what you're experiencing in the slums is making more vivid the truth that only Christ can give what the world cannot--peace like a river, joy like a fountain, love like an ocean. Jesus, only Jesus. Blessings,
    P. Wayne
